Hogs For the Cause is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that hosts an annual music and food festival to raise money for families with children undergoing treatment for pediatric brain cancer. The money raised is given out as grants to help relieve and defray the variable, day in and day out living expenses and economic burdens families face while their child is being treated. While the money devoted to pediatric cancer research is dwindling, there is an even bigger void in the variable expenses associated with cancer treatment. It is Hogs' goal to fill this void. As a result of the support and success Hogs For The Cause has garnered in past years, Hogs currently operates as a premier funding source for pediatric brain cancer outreach services in the United States.
In addition, Hogs is now providing capital grants to cancer units and infusion suites at hospitals around the country, and just cut the ribbon on our second Family Support Center, this one in Baton Rouge, which provides free housing for families of a child receiving inpatient care at Our Lady of The Lake Children’s Hospital.
Ninety-odd teams of BBQ competitors, comprised of a mix of some of the region's top chefs, professional BBQ teams and backyard cooking fanatics will compete for the Ben Sarrat, Jr. "High on the Hog" Grand Champion Title. The Champion is pulled from the winners of the Whole Hog, Ribs, Pork Butt/Shoulder, and Porkpourri (anything pork) divisions. There are also awards for Best Sauce, Best Blue Plate Mayo Bite, Best Tabasco Sandwich, Best Booth, Best Friday Night Party, Fundraising Champion and the patron’s pick for Fan Favorite. Patrons come to sample food from every team in exchange for donations. Bring your appetite and your favorite fork! While teams battle it out in the smoker, incredible live music will be playing throughout the day and into the night.
And don’t forget your donations are tax deductible under the full amount as allowed by the IRS.